
Students in grades 3-8 recently completed a short survey here at school aimed at collecting information from students with regards to the climate and culture of the building. Questions were asked about whether or not they feel safe at school, if they know what to do in case of an emergency, how they feel they are learning at school, and many more. The survey is an annual requirement that must be completed between January and October each year. Some of the questions on the survey we are required to ask as directed by the state and others are ones that we as administration ask to gather feedback from students in an effort to always be improving as a staff and district as a whole.

A separate survey was emailed to all parent emails that we have in our student information system. Once again the survey asks several questions revolving around climate and culture and is a means of collecting data to help us to look for opportunities to improve and celebrate areas in which we are excelling. In the past, this survey was done in October during parent teacher conferences and parents were directed to the survey before they left the building. We are unable to do that moving forward as the state directs that these must be completed between January 1 and October 1. Parent teacher conferences take place outside of those dates. We send the survey link in an email to ensure that it is only parents who have access to the survey as opposed to posting it online or social media which would allow anyone, even those not affiliated with Green Forest, to take the survey. We did see a much lower participation rate by parents as we only collected 21 responses. If you do not have an email on file or would like the link emailed to you again, please send an email to Mr. Prugh at If you would like to review the results from the surveys at this time click one of the links below or visit the documents link on our website and then go into the District Information folder. The survey results are posted there as well.

Overall, the results of the survey were positive. As a staff we are always striving to improve to best serve the students and families of Green Forest. If you ever have questions, please contact the office.

Student Survey Results

Parent Survey Results