Spring is hopefully right around the corner. I don’t know about you, but I have had enough of the winter weather and days away from school. I am hopeful that all of the snow and ice are behind us and we will be able to go through the rest of the school year without any further interruptions.
You may have noticed that our website has updated. All the same information and links are still there, but there are many new features to the website as well. You may have noticed one of those differences during our recent school cancellations. Our new all call system will show that it is from Little Rock, Arkansas. While I am in the process of trying to see if we can change that, please be aware that a call from Little Rock, Arkansas may be a call from the school. Our I am excited to also announce that the app we have been working on is now available in the Apple and Android app stores. The app is an extension of the website and contains much of the same information. We are able to send out push notifications through the app as well that will be just another way in which we are able to send out important information and announcements. We are still learning and developing both the app and the website, but we are excited about the new ways in which we are going to be able to communicate with you and tell the rest of the world about all the exciting things happening in our school.
I would like for parents to remind their children about behavior expectations at school. Encourage them to pay attention in class, to keep their hands to themselves at school and on the bus, and absolutely no horseplay. In addition, please remind them that field trips are a privilege and can be taken away if they do not behave and do their best at school. Your help with this would be greatly appreciated. Your child’s education is always our top priority here at Green Forest, and we know it’s your top priority as well. Thanks for your help in this matter and keep in close touch with your child’s teacher on their progress.
Remember, one of the most important things you can do for your child’s education is to make reading important at home. Spend time reading with your student as often as you can. Students are able to check out books from our library on a regular basis. Making sure that they are reading these each night at home is a great way to help your student be successful in school.
Thank you again for all of your support and for making this year such a great year. It is a great day to be a Mustang.