Dear Mustang Family,
Welcome to the 2022-23 school year! We are so excited to have everyone back in school, and we have planned for an amazing year.
Beginning the week of August 30th, we will begin screening all students in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades for the reading disability of dyslexia as required by Missouri state statue. Dyslexia refers to difficulty with accurate word recognition, spelling and decoding strategies. Students whose results show that they might be at risk for dyslexia will receive supports and accommodations in their classroom and intervention instruction in the Title I ELA (English Language Arts) classroom. You will receive notification if screening results indicate your child is at risk for dyslexia. Screening results do not result in a diagnosis of dyslexia; they merely indicate that the student may be at risk. All students will be screened again in December and April/May. Children in kindergarten will be screened in December and April/May. If your child is in 4th-8th grades and you would like him/her to be screened for dyslexia, please let us know. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact Ms. McClanahan.
Breakfast and lunch will no longer be free for all students. Student lunch price is $2.60, and student breakfast is $2.00. Reduced prices will be $.40 for lunch and $.30 for breakfast. Applications for free or reduced lunch prices were made available at registration and open house. If you have not had the opportunity to fill one out, please complete the one in this packet and return it to your child’s teacher. It is very important for every family to fill out the free and reduced lunch form, whether you think you qualify or not. Very simply put, the more of these that are filled out and returned, the more the school benefits because this drives money through the state foundation formula. So, please complete these forms and return them to the school as soon as possible.
Please remember that the building is not open until 7:30 A.M. Please do not have your children here before this time. There is no supervision before this time. Breakfast will be served between 7:40 A.M. and 8:00 A.M. The first bell will ring at 8:00 A.M. all students are expected to be in their classroom by 8:05 A.M. or they are considered tardy. Our dismissal bell will ring at 3:35 p.m. Monday-Friday.
Here are some important dates you need to remember:
Aug. 22 – Open House, 6-8 pm
Aug. 29 – School Wide Title I/PTO Meeting at 5:00 p.m. in the cafeteria
Sept. 1 – Picture Day
Sept. 5 – No School – Labor Day
Sept. 9 – Progress Reports for 2nd-8th
Please especially note the items in the student handbook on the following pages:
9--school meal information,
45 -- MOCAP information,
35 – homeless policy information,
46 -- Title I federal guidelines updates,
54 – pick up list and technology survey to be returned to school.